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Every voice.
Every story.


At Volta, we craft compelling short-form and feature-length documentaries that bring global issues to life through the power of real voices. Our short-form pieces capture raw, unfiltered opinions, while our feature-length films dive deep into complex narratives, driven by thorough research and broader engagement. Every documentary we create is a testament to the belief that every voice matters and every story deserves to be told.



Volta delves into the heart of public opinion through a unique blend of short-form vox pops and mini-documentaries. These succinct, powerful pieces cut straight to what people think, providing a raw and immediate pulse on critical issues. By engaging directly with individuals from all walks of life, we reveal the diverse perspectives that often go unheard, painting a rich and authentic portrait of public sentiment.

Image by Ahmed Alghali


Beyond our short-form content, Volta is also committed to producing feature-length documentaries that are grounded in rigorous research and broader engagement. These films offer a comprehensive exploration of complex topics, drawing on expert analysis, in-depth interviews, and extensive fieldwork. We aim to provide audiences with a deeper understanding of the issues at hand, offering context and clarity that inspire informed discussions and meaningful change.


Why Volta?

Volta is more than just a documentary producer; we are storytellers committed to truth. Through our diverse range of content—from quick, impactful vox pops to thorough, research-driven documentaries—we strive to illuminate the many facets of the world’s most critical challenges, sparking dialogue and driving awareness. At Volta, we believe that every voice matters, and every story deserves to be told.

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