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Naif Al Bidh
Jan 298 min read
The Death of the Political Spectrum and the Rise of the Political Compass
The last decade has been a transformative one globally; whether it is the rise of a new multipolar order transforming our geopolitical...

Victor Elizondo
Dec 28, 20243 min read
A Chaotic End of the Year for Europe Portends More of the Same
As the year draws to a close, we look upon an almost unrecognisable Europe. From the collapse of the tricolour government of Olaf Scholz...

Jack Rowlett
Sep 26, 20244 min read
Brandenburg was a pyrrhic victory, Scholz must go
You could hear the sighs of relief from the Federal Chancellery halfway across the continent. The Social Democratic Party (SPD) edged...

Joshua Edwicker
Sep 13, 20245 min read
Barnier’s Renaissance: A final Macronian attempt at stymying Le Pen?
Across France over 100,000 people have taken to the streets in protest of what they perceive as a stolen election, the will of the people...
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